Hostel Work Exchange in Istanbul, Turkey

As you embark on a long journey, you wonder about how long your resources, namely money, will last. Work exchange has been a method by which travellers can prolong their travels by offering an enthusiastic attitude and a little bit of elbow grease in exchange for free accommodation and sometimes food. There are multiple sites which make work exchange agreements easier to find: Or there is always the old fashion way, keep in touch … [Read more...]

The Rebels

The only constant is change, yet why do we constantly seek the constant. A stable life: the home to nest for life, the burden of a 30 year mortgage; a lifelong partner, "the one"; lifelong friends, neglecting the opportunity to connect with others without the expectation of the future, the one career ladder which we spend our whole life climbing, a metaphorical treadmill which we never step off; the one purpose, the one calling. We often hold onto this idea of the constant long after we ought to … [Read more...]